Danielle Holland Danielle Holland

Pregnant and nursing employees

Public policy and laws in the United States have not historically supported pregnant people or people who have recently given birth. Pregnant workers have never had the guarantee to be able to continue to earn income and have a healthy and safe pregnancy at the same time. This changed with the 117th Congress this past December 22, 2022 when the most racially and ethnically diverse Congressional body in history, a body made up of just over 25% of women with an additional 11 openly LGBTQIA+ members, made more political history.

Come June 2023, employers will now be required to grant reasonable accommodations for pregnant workers under the bipartisan Pregnant Workers Fairness (PWFA) and Providing Urgent Maternal Protections Acts (PUMP). Both acts were passed in the flurry of amendments to the $1.7 trillion omnibus bill at the end of last year, and are a huge victory for pregnant workers and families.

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Danielle Holland Danielle Holland

The Problem with B Corp ‘Conscious Capitalism’

You may have seen the letter “B” within a circle on the packaging of brands such as Horizon Organic, Silk, or Ben & Jerry’s. You’ve noticed this logo on websites ranging from arts and entertainment company Meow Wolf to the beloved outdoor clothing and gear company Patagonia. The symbol represents that the company is a certified B Corp, or a for-profit corporation certified as such by the nonprofit B Lab. You reach for these products and pay for these services because you want to support a social mission, not destroy the environment, and think workers should be taken care of. You believe that we need to be doing business better.

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